Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Trail That Wasn't

One of the huts has a wagon in it. It smells. We're this desperate for treasure that we're investigating a smelly wagon. It has a yoke and a bar, but no signs of something that pulls it.

We helped ourselves to the provisions in the cave, such as they were, and settled in for the night. In the morning, we found two feet of snow outside. That pretty effectively buries the trail. So much for treasure. I need to find a pearl before we go back to Balon.

And we have a ship that the captain will assign some sailors to, that we can bring it back to port. We're planning on setting out on 12-16.

We reach Balon on the 18th. So, here I sit with two black crystal orbs in my pack. I so desperately need pearls… And fortune of fortunes, the Minister offers to make part of our payment in gems. I'll take a few of mine in pearls. Kua wanted a black one, but had to settle for a white, which she deemed "acceptable". We were also allowed to purchase military stock potions at cost, which is half the market value.

If we overland it to the cove, we could make it there in 8-10 days on horseback. The minister of trade is offering to help outfit us for the journey. Grace, being on such friendly terms with the boys down at the docks, found a captain to sell our ship.

Identify….upon activation by the user, the vessel or structure which the item is a part of becomes cloaked in shadow. Effective concealment at night. Has to be affixed to a large wooden object with a mending spell.

The Admiral of the Navy offers us 10,000 gp per sphere or a +1 weapon worth up to 2000 gp for each of us.

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