Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Pirating We-Go

12-6 We reach Kinsh. The lake crossing is extremely foggy. Kua leads us to a local alchemist. The lieutenant buys all nine vials of alchemist fire that are in stock.

There are two navel vessels, each with a crew of 12 sailors and 2 ballistae. We set out on 12-10. We lower anchor for the night before we reach Danig's coast. The next day we set out to scan along the Danig coast. We patrol along the southern coast for 4 days without finding anything.

We patrol along the northern coast. Mid day on the 17th we head out in a launch to explore an inlet. We find three ships. There are caves in a cliff face that they are using as harbors. We manage to spot them, without being spotted by them. The captain sent back a homing pigeon back with the location of the base we found.

The plan is to send Kua and the gnome to scout. Then I can cover up to 5 launches with a silent image to get us in close and give us the element of surprise. During the combat, I can inspire the group, and do a message back to our main ships if needed. Grace is going to set her priority to setting fire to the sails so the pirates can't give pursuit. We have about 4-5 hours before a storm hits. Inside the caves, there are some huts and so forth. They guess there are roughly 30 pirates.

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