Saturday, August 20, 2011


The mage said he could attempt the scry without an item that had belonged to her. I tried to point out that I had belonged to her, in a manner of speaking, but for some reason that didn’t count for the scry. The good news is, the scry seemed to work. The bad news is, it was being magically blocked.

He said caster capabable of more powerful spells than he might be able to overcome the shielding.

I asked him what sorts of things would block a scry. I had heard of rings or personal items that prevented divination magics from working on a person. He said also that many wizards kept their private lodgings protected in this way. So did some temples. So would the palace. So would most of the major merchant families. So, in Balan alone, lots of locations are shielded from scrying.

Back to hitting the streets…and heading home to Kissingersee.

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